Complete Surrogacy Consulting
Surrogacy in Greece

Surrogacy in Greece is legal and altruistic. Intended parents can cover necessary expenses, including medical costs, IVF treatment, pregnancy expenses, lost wages, and unpaid leave during pregnancy. . In this guide, we explore surrogacy in Greece, shedding light on its legal framework, eligibility criteria, surrogacy cost, process, benefits, and more.

Complete Surrogacy Consulting

Surrogacy in Greece: A Comprehensive Guide

Surrogacy in Greece


Greece has emerged as a popular destination for surrogacy arrangements. With its advanced medical facilities, legal framework, and relatively affordable costs, Greece has become a sought-after destination for intended parents from all over the world. In this article, we will delve into the world of surrogacy in Greece, exploring the legal, ethical, and practical aspects of the process. 


The key takeaway:

  • Surrogacy in Greece is permitted for altruistic purposes.
  • Eligible individuals include international heterosexual couples (married or unmarried) and single female parents with fertility issues.
  • Surrogacy is not available for single males or LGBT couples at present.
  • Court approval is required before the embryo transfer, and specific documents need to be submitted.
  • Surrogacy in Greece is governed by the Greek Civil Code and the Assisted Reproduction Act.
  • Altruistic surrogacy arrangements are allowed, while commercial surrogacy is prohibited.
  • The cost of surrogacy in Greece ranges from $85,000 to $100,000 on average.
  • Greece is an attractive destination for international intended parents due to its favorable legal climate and high-quality medical services.


Additional Resources to Read: 

Surrogacy in Ukraine

Surrogacy in USA

Surrogacy in Argentina

Surrogacy in Kazakhstan


Surrogacy in Greece for hetero couples

Surrogacy in Greece: An Overview

Greece permits only altruistic surrogacy and egg donor arrangements for international heterosexual couples, whether they are married or unmarried, as well as single female parents who are unable to conceive a child naturally due to fertility issues or medical conditions. It is worth noting that since July 2014, being a Greek national is not a requirement to do surrogacy in Greece.

While the law specifies that surrogacy should be altruistic, it permits the reimbursement of essential expenses associated with the surrogate, such as costs related to IVF, pregnancy, and childbirth. Additionally, it allows for compensation for lost wages and unpaid leave during the surrogate’s pregnancy.

Greece, with its supportive legal environment and high medical standards, has emerged as an attractive destination for single females and infertile hetero couples seeking surrogacy arrangements.

What is the eligibility of surrogacy in Greece?

Greece welcomes a diverse range of commissioning parents who wish to build their families through surrogacy.  The following are eligible for surrogacy in Greece:

  1. Married heterosexual couples
  2. Single women
  3. Heterosexual de-facto couples

Medical indications and fertility problems are factors considered in assessing eligibility. It is important to note that Greek law does not require a biological link between the intended parents and the child. However, depending on your home country’s regulations, this aspect may affect citizenship or legal parentage.

Please note that surrogacy for single male and gay couples is not permitted in Greece.

Requirements for Surrogacy in Greece

To embark on a surrogacy journey in Greece, several requirements must be met. Intended parents must be medically certified as unable to carry a pregnancy or face significant risks to their health if they were to do so. They must also undergo a thorough psychological assessment to ensure their readiness for parenthood through surrogacy.

Greece permits only gestational surrogacy, which means that the surrogate mother carries the embryo created from the intended parents’ genetic material or from donor eggs. The surrogate mother does not contribute genetically to the child, ensuring a genetic connection between the intended parents and the baby.


Eligibility Criteria for Intended Parents

Most of the countries put restrictions on who can opt for surrogacy. Greece allows both opposite-sex and unmarried couples, as well as single women. Here are some key requirements: 

– The female partner should not be over 50 years old.

–  Female partner must provide medical proof of her inability to conceive or carry a child, supported by a medical letter from her doctor in her home country.

– If married, the husband needs to agree to the surrogacy arrangement, and the intended parents will be responsible for all reasonable expenses of their surrogate mother until the birth of the child.

– The intended parents need to gain court approval for the surrogacy procedure before the embryo transfer. This involves submitting medical proof to the court about their inability to conceive or have children. Specific documents are required to be submitted, and the court’s decision typically takes around eight weeks.

Additional Resources to Read: 

How Intended Parents Can Support Their Surrogate?

Why Intended Parents Should Use A Surrogacy Agency- Pros and Cons

Finding Intended Parents: A Surrogate Guide to Matching

Exploring Current Infertility Options for Intended Parents

Limitations for LGBT Couples

Unfortunately, at present, surrogacy in Greece is not available for LGBT couples, including same-sex couples and single men. It is important to note that surrogacy laws may evolve in the future, particularly if same-sex marriage becomes legal in the country.

Choosing the Best Surrogacy Agency in Greece

Surrogacy in Greece is facilitated by experienced IVF clinics or independent facilitators who oversee the entire process. They assist intended parents in finding a suitable surrogate and, if needed, an egg donor. These professionals coordinate the IVF treatment, provide pregnancy medical care, and handle the legal and administrative aspects.

Selecting a reputable surrogacy agency is crucial for a smooth and successful surrogacy journey. A reliable agency will guide intended parents through the entire process, offering legal support, matching services, and access to high-quality medical professionals. Thorough research and due diligence should be conducted to find an agency that aligns with the specific needs and values of the intended parents.

surrogacy laws in Greece

 Benefit of surrogacy in Greece? 

  1. Legal and altruistic arrangements: Surrogacy in Greece is legal and altruistic. Intended parents can cover necessary expenses, including medical costs, IVF treatment, pregnancy expenses, lost wages, and unpaid leave during pregnancy.
  1. Available for international heterosexual couples: Greece allows international heterosexual couples, married or unmarried, facing fertility issues or medical conditions, to pursue surrogacy.
  1. No genetic link requirement: Greece does not mandate a genetic connection between intended parents and the child, making it more inclusive.
  1. No residency or citizenship requirement: Non-Greek nationals can pursue surrogacy in Greece without residency or citizenship obligations.
  1. Supportive IVF clinics and facilitators: IVF clinics and facilitators in Greece assist intended parents in finding surrogates and egg donors, providing medical care and legal services.
  1. Screened surrogates and egg donors: Greek clinics conduct rigorous screening of surrogates and egg donors, ensuring suitability for the process.
  1. Short wait time: Surrogate matching typically takes around 3 months, with the court process lasting 3-4 months.
  1. Reputable healthcare system: Greece’s healthcare system ranks high, assuring quality medical care for intended parents.


Please find the documents need from you to get started below:

  1. Birth certificate of IP’s (to see the exact age)
    2. Certificate of marital status of IP’s
    3. Marriage certificate (if applicable)
    4. ID card or Passport
    5. Medical opinion (where the medical reason weakness pregnancy – can be provided in our institute as well)
    6. Blood tests (to see that the baby would go to a healthy environment- should be done here at the clinic)
    7. Address and tax number

Surrogacy Process in Greece

The surrogacy process and timeline are almost the same in all countries which allow surrogacy services. Here are the key steps involved in the surrogacy process:

  • Finding a fertility clinic: Research and choose a fertility clinic in Greece that specializes in surrogacy. Make sure the clinic is reputable and has experience in handling surrogacy cases.
  • Initial consultation: Schedule an initial consultation with the fertility clinic. During this meeting, you can discuss your medical history, explore the surrogacy process, and clarify any doubts or concerns you may have.
  • Legal requirements: Engage the services of a lawyer who specializes in surrogacy in Greece. The lawyer will guide you through the legal requirements, including drafting and reviewing contracts, obtaining necessary permissions, and ensuring compliance with Greek laws.
  • Surrogate selection: The fertility clinic will assist you in finding a suitable surrogate. The selection process involves medical and psychological evaluations to ensure the surrogate is physically and emotionally capable of carrying a pregnancy to term.
  • Medical procedures: Once a surrogate is selected, the fertility clinic will initiate the medical procedures. This typically involves hormonal treatments to synchronize the menstrual cycles of the intended mother (or egg donor) and the surrogate. The eggs from the intended mother or a donor will be fertilized with sperm from the intended father or a donor through in vitro fertilization (IVF). The resulting embryos will be transferred to the surrogate’s uterus.
  • Pregnancy and prenatal care: The surrogate will undergo regular medical check-ups and receive prenatal care throughout the pregnancy. You, as the intended parents, can also be involved in the process by attending appointments and providing emotional support to the surrogate.
  • Birth and legal procedures:After the successful pregnancy, the birth will take place in Greece. Once the child is born, legal procedures will be initiated to establish the parental rights of the intended parents. The necessary documents and paperwork will be prepared with the assistance of your lawyer.

Who can be a Surrogate Mother in Greece?

Surrogate mothers in Greece must meet certain criteria:

  1. Age: 23 to 40, although it’s advised to confirm with the fertility clinic for any variations.
  2. Health: Good physical and mental condition, determined through medical and psychological assessments.
  3. Prior pregnancies: Ideally, the surrogate should have prior successful pregnancies for experience.
  4. Consent: In order to comply with the legal requirements, the surrogate must present the written agreement or contract between herself and the intended parents to the court. This should be done with the consent of the surrogate’s spouse, if she is married.
  5. No genetic link with the baby:  The surrogatemother is just a gestational carrier and should not use her own eggs, thus, only gestational surrogacy is allowed.



Surrogate Screening in Greece

To ensure the well-being of both intended parents and surrogates, Greek clinics conduct rigorous screening procedures. Surrogates are carefully selected based on psychological and medical criteria, including having their own child already. Unlike in some other countries, intended parents do not have the option to choose their surrogate. Instead, a surrogate is assigned to them.

Egg Donors Screening in Greece

Greek clinics offer access to screened egg donors, although donation remains anonymous under Greek law. While photos of egg donors are not available, intended parents can specify certain physical characteristics. Additionally, it is possible to use your own donor as long as they are unrelated to you. Importing eggs, embryos, or sperm from your registered clinic to Greece is possible, but there may be restrictions for non-EU countries.

Surrogacy Success Rates in Greece

Greece has achieved remarkable success rates in surrogacy, thanks to its advanced medical technology and highly skilled professionals.  The typical success rate with an egg donor IVF cycle is as high as 60%. The success of a surrogacy journey depends on various factors, including the age and health of the intended parent’s gametes, the quality of the embryos, and the overall health of the surrogate.

cost of surrogacy in Greece

What are Surrogacy Laws in Greece?

Surrogacy in Greece is governed by the Greek Civil Code and the Assisted Reproduction Act. The legislation allows gestational surrogacy, where the surrogate carries an embryo created through in vitro fertilization (IVF) using the intended parents’ gametes or donated genetic material. Traditional surrogacy, involving the use of the surrogate’s own eggs, is prohibited.

Surrogacy laws in Greece differ from those in many other European Union countries. Altruistic surrogacy arrangements are the only type allowed, which means the surrogate mother carries the child without receiving any additional base compensation. This form of surrogacy has been permitted for Greek citizens since 2002, and in July 2014, the law was extended to grant foreign citizens the right to become parents through surrogacy in Greece as well. 

Greek Surrogacy: The Court Approval Process

Prior to the embryo transfer, it is necessary to obtain court approval for surrogacy arrangements. Some Greek surrogacy providers and lawyers can handle the entire process on your behalf. The court process typically takes around 3-4 months, and it may not always require your presence during the proceedings. The surrogacy agreement is submitted to the court as part of the process.

If the surrogate is married, the consent of her husband must also be provided to the court. The court’s judgment will confirm that the parties meet the requirements of Greek law to engage in a surrogacy arrangement and will establish that any child conceived through surrogacy is legally the child of the intended parents, not the surrogate.

Once the first embryo transfer has taken place, the surrogate does not have the ability to change her decision. 

Rights and Responsibilities of Surrogates and Intended Parents

Clear guidelines are in place to safeguard the rights and responsibilities of both surrogates and intended parents in Greece. Surrogates have the right to proper medical care, financial compensation, and legal protection. Intended parents have the right to establish their legal parenthood through a court procedure and are responsible for the financial costs associated with the surrogacy process.

legal surrogacy in Greece

How does legal process work in Greece?

Step 1: Legal Framework and Parenthood Basis

– Surrogacy has been legal in Greece since 2002 (Law 3089/2002).

– Additional laws (3305/2005, 4958/2022, and 5524/2022) standardize IVF clinics’ practices regarding surrogacy.

– Greece accepts intention as the basis of parenthood after surrogacy, making intended parent(s) automatically recognized as the child’s legal parent upon birth.

– Only one birth certificate is produced, naming the intended parent(s) as legal parents, with no reference to the surrogate’s name.

– Surrogates are fully screened and receive medical care in IVF clinics.

Step 2: Gestational Surrogacy and Legal Process

– Greek law allows only gestational surrogacy, where the surrogate is not genetically related to the child. Only married hetero couples and single female can opt for surrogacy in Greece.

– Both intended parent(s) and surrogate must meet criteria and follow a legal process before IVF.

– They must sign a surrogacy agreement in Greece, allowing altruistic surrogacy with legally regulated compensation.

– The intended mother must prove a medical necessity for surrogacy and be under 54 years old at the time of application.

– The surrogate must be physically and mentally healthy to carry out the arrangement.

Step 3: Residence Requirements and Court Approval

– In 2014, the residence requirement was lifted, requiring only temporary residence in Greece for intended parent(s) and/or surrogate.

– Intended mother must be under 54 years of age for the surrogacy program to commence.

– IP(s) and surrogate do not need to be present at the surrogacy court hearing; a Greek solicitor can represent them.

– The court hearing leads to a positive decision if all criteria are met, granting permission for surrogacy.

Step 4: IVF Process

– Once court permission is granted, the IP(s) and surrogate proceed to Medical procedure via IVF in the fertility clinic.

– The embryo can be created using the IP(s)’ oocytes or a donor’s oocyte.

– The surrogate undergoes endometrial preparation therapy for embryo transfer.

– Pregnancy is confirmed through blood tests and ultrasound scans, and the pregnancy is closely monitored.

Step 5: Birth and Parenthood

– After successful pregnancy and birth, the IP(s) are registered as the baby’s legal parents.

Greece has a comprehensive legal framework for surrogacy, allowing gestational surrogacy with intended parent(s) automatically recognized as legal parents. The process involves legal agreements, court approval, IVF, and close monitoring during pregnancy. We offer all services under one roof- Legal, Medical, Admin and supports throughout the process.

Legal process for doing Greece Surrogacy:


Process Description

Requirements/Key Points


Legal Framework and Parenthood Basis

– Surrogacy legalized in Greece since 2002 (Law 3089/2002).
– Additional laws (3305/2005, 4958/2022, and 5524/2022) standardize IVF clinics’ practices.
– Intention is the basis of parenthood, automatically recognizing intended parent(s) as legal parents upon birth.
– Only one birth certificate is produced, with no reference to the surrogate’s name.
– Surrogates undergo screening and receive medical care in IVF clinics.


Gestational Surrogacy and Legal Process

– Only gestational surrogacy allowed (surrogate not genetically related to the child).
– Available to married hetero couples and single females.
– Both intended parent(s) and surrogate must meet criteria and sign a surrogacy agreement in Greece.
– Altruistic surrogacy with legally regulated compensation.
– Intended mother must prove medical necessity and be under 54 years old.
– Surrogate must be physically and mentally healthy.


Residence Requirements and Court Approval

– Residence requirement lifted in 2014, requiring only temporary residence.
– Intended mother must be under 54 years of age for the surrogacy program.
– IP(s) and surrogate not required to be present at the surrogacy court hearing; representation by a Greek solicitor is acceptable.
– Positive court decision grants permission for surrogacy.


IVF Process

– Medical procedure via IVF in fertility clinic after court permission.
– Embryo creation using IP(s)’ oocytes or a donor’s oocyte.
– Surrogate undergoes endometrial preparation therapy for embryo transfer.
– Pregnancy confirmed through blood tests and ultrasound scans; closely monitored.


Birth and Parenthood

– After successful pregnancy and birth, IP(s) are registered as the baby’s legal parents.


Additional Information

– Greece has a comprehensive legal framework for surrogacy.
– Gestational surrogacy allows intended parent(s) automatic recognition as legal parents.
– Process involves legal agreements, court approval, IVF, and close monitoring during pregnancy.
– All services (Legal, Medical, Admin, and support) offered under one roof throughout the process.

surrogacy agencies in GreeceCost of Surrogacy in Greece

Surrogacy in Greece costs around $75,000 to $950,000 on average, covering agency, clinic, attorney, and surrogate fees. Allocate extra funds for compensation and unforeseen events.

International Surrogacy in Greece

Greece’s surrogacy laws are accommodating for international intended parents as well. Many couples and individuals from around the world choose Greece as their surrogacy destination due to its favorable legal climate, affordable costs, and high-quality medical services.

However, it is essential to navigate the legal and logistical aspects, including travel, documentation, and citizenship matters, with the help of experienced professionals. Surrogacy in Europe is only possible in Ukraine and Georgia where commercial surrogacy is allowed.

Surrogacy has given rise to medical tourism, with individuals and couples traveling to foreign countries to pursue their surrogacy dreams. Greece, with its combination of excellent medical facilities, competitive pricing, and stunning landscapes, has become a preferred destination for medical tourists seeking surrogacy services.


Surrogacy in Greece offers a unique opportunity for intended parents to fulfill their dreams of having a child. The legal framework surrounding surrogacy, with its focus on altruism and genetic connection, provides a supportive environment for those seeking to build their families.

If you’d like to learn more about IVF, Egg Donation, or surrogacy services globally, check out the rest of our website at  Complete Surrogacy Agency. We offer legally secure and affordable surrogacy consulting services for FREE.

For more resources on IVF and Surrogacy, browse our other web page- IVF Conceptions.

For more resources on IVF and Surrogacy, browse our other web page- Georgia Surrogacy Agency.

Our team has over 13 years of experience facilitating surrogacy arrangements, egg donation, and serving as an advocacy resource for infertile couples and LGBTQ individuals seeking to build families.

Our founder and chief surrogacy consultant, Neelam Chhagani, passionately help couples struggling with fertility challenges. Since starting our surrogacy consulting agency in 2013, we’ve helped welcome over 500 babies for intended parents nationwide.

Our team includes experts from diverse backgrounds with leading reproductive attorneys, professionally trained top fertility doctors, former surrogacy case managers, experienced and kind surrogate mother and egg donor coordinators, mental health professionals specializing in infertility counseling, and logistic support team to assist you in your chosen surrogacy country.

References used: 


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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is surrogacy legal in Greece?

Yes, surrogacy is legal in Greece, but it is subject to certain regulations and requirements. 

How much does surrogacy cost in Greece?

On average, the surrogacy cost in Greece ranges between $85,000 to $100,000. The cost of surrogacy in Greece varies depending on individual circumstances and the chosen agency, but it is generally more affordable compared to other countries offering similar services. 

Can single parents pursue surrogacy in Greece?

Yes, single females who have medical indications opt for surrogacy. Surrogacy in Greece is legal for heterosexual married couples and single women. Same-sex couples and single men are not eligible for surrogacy in Greece.   

Which country is the cheapest for surrogacy?

Georgia, Mexico, and Colombia are the cheapest surrogacy countries.  The average cost of an egg donor surrogacy guaranteed baby program is as low as $65,000 to $70,000. 

Is there wait time for surrogate mother?

The court process to gain the approval can take 2-3 months and after that 2-3 month in providing surrogate mother. 

How much general approx. time it takes to get a travel document for baby?

 It depends on the exit country, but the range is 3 – 6 weeks.  

How is Greece healthcare quality.

Very good, out of 191 countries on the WHO list, Greece healthcare ranks 22. Matter of fact Greece is leading fertility medical tourism destination for the intended parents all around the world due to quality healthcare, affordable price, and great vacation destination.

Is commercial surrogacy legal in Greece?

No, commercial surrogacy is not legal in Greece.  However, the law allows for a maximum compensation of up to $12,000 for surrogate mothers, provided it does not exceed this limit. This ensures that surrogate mothers are supported while preventing commercialization of the surrogacy process.

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About Neelam

Neelam Chhagani, MA (Counselling Psychology), PGD (Mental Health), and Holistic Infertility and Third-Party Reproduction Consultant.

Member of European Fertility Society, Best Surrogacy Blogger of 2020, with 200 dedicated blogs and top contributor on Quora for Surrogacy.

Highly esteemed, authoritative, and trusted professional with a 14-year experience in international surrogacy. Advocate for Secure, Legal, and Affordable International Surrogacy.

Our Guarantee

Surrogacy with 2 Surrogate Mothers

Affordable Surrogacy Cost

Affordable and transparent Guaranteed Surrogacy Baby Plan 


Safe International Surrogacy

Global surrogacy options with best countries for surrogacy that are secure and affordable 

Expertise and experience

Access to a trusted network of fertility and surrogacy professionals 

Surrogacy For Single men


Personalized attention and compassionate support throughout the journey 

Our Services Include:

Frequently Asked Questions

Surrogacy laws and regulations vary significantly across countries and even within different states or regions. It is crucial to understand and comply with the legal framework governing surrogacy in the intended jurisdiction to ensure a smooth and legally protected surrogacy journey. 

The duration of the surrogacy process typically ranges from one to two years, encompassing various factors that contribute to its timeline. These factors include the waiting period for egg donor, surrogate mother, the time required for the surrogate to conceive or number of IVF attempts, and other relevant variables. 

The costs associated with surrogacy can vary widely depending on various variable and unpredictable factors such as the location, the chosen surrogacy agency, medical expenses, legal fees, and compensation for the surrogate.  

That being said, intended parents can expect to pay somewhere $130,000 to $150,000 if you are looking for surrogacy in USIn case you are planning to do international surrogacy, the surrogacy price is between $50,000 to $70,000 depending upon the country and types of services taken.  

Surrogacy has become an important option for LGBT+ couples who desire to have children biologically related to them. It provides an avenue for same-sex male couples or single men to become fathers and for same-sex female couples or single women to become mothers. Surrogacy has played a significant role in expanding the possibilities of family-building for the LGBT+ community.  We recommend and assist you with surrogacy for gay couple in Mexico, Colombia, and Argentina. Similarly, for single parents surrogacy, above options are available.  

Surrogacy success rates can vary depending on various factors, including the age and health of the intended parents, the quality of the embryos, and the experience and health of the surrogate. According to recent studies, the success rates of surrogacy can range from 40% to 70% per embryo transfer.  

Surrogacy laws and regulations differ significantly from country to country. Some countries have embraced surrogacy and established clear legal frameworks, while others have banned or restricted the practice. It’s essential for intended parents to understand the legal landscape of surrogacy in their desired location and consider factors such as availability, cost, and legal protections. We will advise to consult a experienced surrogacy professional become engaging surrogacy abroad.  

No, surrogacy laws vary from country to country. Some countries have banned or heavily restricted surrogacy, while others have well-defined legal frameworks. Countries like USA, Georgia and Ukraine allow commercial surrogacyHowever, other countries like Canada, Australia and UK allow only altruistic surrogacy arrangementsBeside this most of the European countries do not recognise any form of surrogacy like Germany, France, Belgium, Sweden etc. Latin American countries like Colombia and Argentina only allowed affordable altruistic surrogacy. 

The primary reason for preference for international surrogacy is the prohibition or restriction of surrogacy, or the allowance of only altruistic surrogacy, in the intended parents’ home countries.  

In altruistic surrogacy, which involves finding a surrogate without any financial compensation, often presents challenges in terms of finding a suitable surrogate.  

However, opting for international surrogacy not only reduce the overall average surrogacy cost but give opportunity to find a surrogate quickly and options to choose from many candidates.  

Why Our Intended Parents Choose Us- Testimonials

I was introduced to Neelam by a friend who worked with Neelam for surrogacy. Neelam is absolutely wonderful. I am a single male and the journey to fatherhood is not that easy. Neelam connected me to a program ideal for my circumstances. She was with me throughout the pregnancy providing advice and guidance along the way. I am so grateful I found her and am thrilled today that I have a beautiful daughter. I highly recommend Neelam to anyone who is on a journey to become a parent. Having a child has changed my world for the better. I wish others success with their own journey and recommend you connect with Neelam to find a path that is best for you.


Neelam is empathic and an awesome professional. She’s always available and eager to response to clients calls. She followed our process the way. Definitely recommend.

J&C (UK)

This whole journey has been absolutely wonderful. And I have such a beautiful daughter today. I have such an amazing army of family and friends surrounding me. She’s brought so much joy to everyone Especially me. I’m grateful that we moved forward I don’t know what I would do without her. So please let Mark now we made the right decision and yes I’m thinking about a second journey. I think it’s important to raise a child with a sibling. So two children seems like the right thing. Will make a final decision in the next 3 to 4 months.


Thank you so much for your handholding and for connecting me with everything. I am so grateful for the role that you’ve played. I’m the happiest father alive. Thank you so much for your guidance along the way. She’s adorable and I’m all gushy in love!!!


Hoping to have wonder babies, we initiated the process with Neelam at IVF Conceptions. Her warm concerns and dedicated helps drive this process moving through frustrated change of surrogacy policy in India. Finally, the surrogacy was smoothly transferred to Russia and now, we saw our baby growing already. We greatly thank Neelam, who sincerely helped us to achieve our baby dream. There is no doubt that both IVF conceptions and IVF Sunrise provided excellent surrogacy service with transparent fund transactions.


We are so glad to inform about arrival of twins for our single Intended Parent.. This was his first attempt with Asian egg donor and he was successful in first round of embryos transfer with twins. The pregnancy term was eventless and during routine visit on 34 weeks- doctor decided to CS as surrogate was 4 cm dilated. Babies are so cute and adorable and surrogate- doing well. It goes without saying J L is very delighted and busy dad!!!

JL Singapore

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We offer surrogacy programs in countries where it is legal, affordable, and safe for international intended parents.   

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