Cost of Surrogacy with Family Member

Cost of Surrogacy with Family Member

Cost of Surrogacy with Family Member

Did you know that surrogacy with a family member can significantly reduce the overall cost of the process? This alternative option provides a budget-friendly approach to starting a family through surrogacy. However, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of the expenses involved to make informed decisions and plan accordingly. In this article, we will break down the cost of surrogacy with a family member, exploring the medical procedures, legal fees, and other factors that contribute to the overall expenses.

Key Takeaways:

  • The cost of surrogacy with a family member can be significantly lower compared to other surrogacy arrangements.
  • To understand the expenses involved, it’s important to consider medical procedures, legal fees, and other factors.
  • Agency involvement can also impact the overall cost and should be taken into account when considering surrogacy with a family member.
  • Understanding the financial implications and planning accordingly will help you make informed decisions on your surrogacy journey.
  • Reach out to Complete Surrogacy for more information on IVF, Egg Donation, and surrogacy services globally.

More Resources to Read:

How much does Surrogacy Cost

Surrogacy Guide for Surrogate Mothers

Surrogacy Guide for Intended Parents

How does the surrogacy process work

Cost of Surrogacy with Family Member

Understanding the Basics of Family Member Surrogacy

Family member surrogacy, also known as identified surrogacy, is a unique arrangement where a close relative becomes the surrogate for intended parents. This type of surrogacy can involve a sister, cousin, or other relative who willingly offers to carry a pregnancy for a loved one. Understanding the fundamentals of family member surrogacy is crucial for those considering this option.

What Is Identified Surrogacy?

Identified surrogacy refers to the practice of using a known family member as a surrogate. This can be a sister, cousin, or any other close relative who is willing and eligible to be a surrogate. Unlike other surrogacy arrangements, where a surrogate is typically matched through an agency or a surrogacy professional, family member surrogacy involves a pre-existing relationship with the surrogate. This type of surrogacy arrangement often creates a deeper bond and level of trust between the intended parents and the surrogate.

When pursuing family member surrogacy, it is important to consider the legal implications and the process involved. Depending on the jurisdiction and country, the legal requirements and regulations may vary. It is essential to consult with a surrogacy lawyer who specializes in family member surrogacy to ensure that all legal aspects are properly addressed.

A family member surrogacy journey typically involves medical screenings, fertility treatments, legal contracts, and emotional support for both the surrogate and the intended parents. Open communication and discussion of expectations are vital to ensuring a smooth surrogacy experience within the family dynamic.

Cost of Surrogacy with Family Member

How much does surrogacy cost?

When considering surrogacy with a family member, it’s essential to understand the costs involved in this unique arrangement. By gaining insight into the expenses, you can better plan and budget for your surrogacy journey

Let’s explore the various factors that influence the cost of surrogacy with a relative.

Medical Procedures like IVF and pregnancy care and birth:

The medical procedures in the surrogacy process can significantly contribute to the overall expenses. These may include fertility treatments, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), embryo transfer, hormonal medications, and prenatal care. It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the specific medical procedures and their associated costs.

Legal Fees and Agreements:

Surrogacy arrangements with a family member still require legal processes and contracts to protect all parties involved. These legal fees can vary depending on the complexity of the agreement and the jurisdiction you are in. It’s crucial to seek proper legal guidance to ensure that all necessary documentation is in place and to understand the associated costs.

Other Miscellaneous Surrogacy Costs:

In addition to medical and legal expenses, there are other costs to consider when pursuing surrogacy with a relative. These may include psychological assessments, insurance coverage, travel expenses, surrogate compensation, pregnancy-related expenses, and any additional support or services required throughout the journey.

To get a better understanding of the cost breakdown specific to your situation, it is highly recommended to consult with a reputable surrogacy agency or fertility specialist. They can provide you with a detailed overview of the financial implications and help you navigate the expenses involved.

Now, let’s take a look at a visual representation of the cost breakdown for surrogacy with a family member:

Expense TypeEstimated Surrogacy Cost Range
Fertility Treatments (IVF, medications, etc.)$10,000 – $30,000
Legal Fees and Agreements$5,000 – $15,000
Psychological Assessments$500 – $2,000
Insurance Coverage$1,000 – $5,000 per year
Surrogate Compensation$20,000 – $40,000+
Pregnancy-Related Expenses$5,000 – $10,000
Additional Support/Services$2,000 – $5,000
Total Estimated Cost Range$43,500 – $112,000+

Keep in mind that these estimated costs can vary depending on various factors, such as location, medical requirements, legal considerations, and individual circumstances.

Breaking Down the Cost of Surrogacy with a Family Member

To fully understand the cost of surrogacy with a family member, it is important to break down the expenses involved. This section will explore the various components of the cost, including medical procedures and fertility treatments, legal fees and contractual agreements, as well as the specific cost implications of surrogacy with a sister or cousin. Additionally, it will cover the unique expenses associated with family surrogates.

Medical Procedures and Fertility Treatments

The medical procedures and fertility treatments associated with surrogacy can contribute to the overall expenses. These may include:

  • In vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures, such as ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, and embryo transfer
  • Fertility medications
  • Preimplantation genetic testing
  • Embryo cryopreservation
  • Monitoring and medical consultations

Each of these steps has its own costs, which can vary depending on individual circumstances. It is important to consult with your fertility clinic to get a detailed breakdown of these expenses

Legal Fees and Contractual Agreements

Surrogacy arrangements involve legal processes, which incur fees. These fees can cover various aspects, including:

  • Surrogacy agency fees, if applicable
  • Legal representation for both the intended parents and the surrogate
  • Drafting and reviewing the surrogacy contract
  • Court filing fees
  • Termination of parental rights and adoption procedures, if required

The complexity and legal requirements of surrogacy can influence the overall cost, so it is important to work with experienced attorneys specializing in reproductive law.

Surrogacy with Sister Cost Implications

Surrogacy with a sister, as a family member surrogate, may have specific cost implications. While the medical procedures and legal fees remain similar, there may be additional expenses related to the sister’s involvement, such as:

  • Compensation for the sister, which can include lost wages, maternity clothing, and other pregnancy-related expenses
  • Travel and accommodation costs if the sister lives in a different location
  • Support services for the sister, such as counseling or therapy

These unique expenses should be considered when budgeting for surrogacy with a sister

How are Surrogate Mothers Screened?

Surrogacy Expenses for Family Surrogates

Choosing a family member as a surrogate can also have additional expenses that are specific to this type of arrangement. These may include:

  • Screening and medical tests for the family surrogate
  • Surrogate psychological evaluations
  • Insurance coverage for the surrogate’s medical expenses
  • Additional compensation or support for the surrogate, beyond typical surrogacy arrangements

It is important to discuss these expenses openly with the family member who will be serving as the surrogate to ensure full transparency and understanding.

How Agency Involvement Affects Surrogacy Expenses with a Family Member

Surrogacy Agency involvement can significantly impact the overall cost of surrogacy, even when working with a family member as the surrogate. While agency-assisted surrogacy may incur additional expenses, it also offers numerous benefits that can justify the investment.

The Benefits of Agency-Assisted Surrogacy

Engaging a surrogacy agency provides professional guidance and support throughout the entire surrogacy journey. The agency handles the complex administrative aspects, such as screening potential surrogates, coordinating medical and legal processes, and managing financial agreements.

By utilizing an agency, intended parents can access a network of experienced professionals who specialize in surrogacy, ensuring a more streamlined and efficient process. This level of expertise can simplify procedures, enhance communication among all parties involved, and offer emotional support during this transformative experience.

Comparing Agency Costs vs. Independent Arrangements

The cost of surrogacy agency is around $30,000 to $40,000 in USA. So, if you are using an private surrogacy or Indy surrogacy, then you can save this surrogacy expense.  Or else, if you need a surrogacy agency assisted services, then you might consider international surrogacy countries where surrogacy is legal and affordable. 

When considering agency involvement, it’s important to evaluate the cost differences between agency arrangements and independent surrogacy arrangements. While agency fees can add to the total expenses, they offer added convenience, expertise, and peace of mind.

Independent surrogacy arrangements, where intended parents navigate the process without agency assistance, may initially seem more cost-effective. However, the absence of professional guidance can lead to unexpected challenges, potential legal issues, and increased stress.

An agency’s fees often cover comprehensive services, including surrogate screening, background checks, psychological evaluations, legal consultations, and coordination of medical procedures and appointments. These services can minimize risks, ensure legal compliance, and help intended parents make informed decisions that align with their goals and preferences.

Surrogacy Financial Agreements and Agency Fees

Surrogacy financial agreements and agency fees are key considerations when evaluating agency involvement in surrogacy. Agencies typically charge a fee for their services, which encompasses various aspects, such as surrogate compensation, legal expenses, counseling, and administrative costs.

The cost of agency fees varies depending on several factors, including the agency’s reputation, location, and the level of personalized support provided. Intended parents should carefully review and understand these fees, ensuring transparency and clarity before engaging an agency for surrogacy assistance.

Additionally, agencies can assist in establishing and managing surrogacy financial agreements. These agreements outline the financial obligations and responsibilities of all parties involved, providing a framework for addressing potential costs, reimbursements, and compensation.

Overall, while agency involvement in surrogacy may add to the overall expenses, the benefits of expertise, support, and peace of mind can often justify the investment. Therefore, it is essential for intended parents to assess their individual needs, preferences, and budget when considering agency-assisted surrogacy with a family member.

Factors Influencing the Total Cost of Surrogacy with a Relative

When considering surrogacy with a family member, there are several factors that can influence the total cost of the process. These factors encompass both legal aspects and financial considerations that intended parents should be aware of in order to plan and budget accordingly.

Legal Aspects and their Impact on Surrogacy Cost

The legal aspects of surrogacy play a crucial role in determining the overall cost. Legal fees and the drafting of contracts between the intended parents and the surrogate can contribute significantly to the expenses. It is crucial to consult with legal professionals experienced in surrogacy to ensure that all legal requirements are met, protecting the interests of all parties involved.

The Financial Role of Insurance in Surrogacy

Insurance coverage is another significant factor that affects the cost of surrogacy with a family member. It is essential to review your insurance policy and understand its coverage for the surrogate’s medical expenses and potential complications during pregnancy. In some cases, additional insurance policies may need to be obtained to mitigate financial risks.

Intended parents should also consider the insurance needs of their family member acting as a surrogate. It is important to ensure that she has adequate health insurance coverage that includes maternity and potential complications related to the surrogacy process.

Potential Additional Expenses to Anticipate

Beyond legal fees and insurance, there may be additional expenses to anticipate when pursuing surrogacy with a relative. These expenses can vary depending on individual circumstances, but some common additional costs include:

  • Medical screenings and fertility treatments
  • Medications
  • Travel expenses
  • Compensation for the surrogate’s time and effort
  • Psychological counseling

It is important to discuss these potential additional expenses with your surrogacy agency or legal counsel to ensure that you have a comprehensive understanding of the financial obligations involved.

Factors Influencing Surrogacy CostLegal Aspects of SurrogacyInsurance in SurrogacyAdditional Expenses in Surrogacy
Legal feesContractsInsurance coverageMedical screenings
Contractual agreementsLegal requirementsAdditional insurance policiesFertility treatments
Surrogate’s compensationMaternity coverageMedications
Travel expensesPsychological counseling

By considering these factors, understanding the legal landscape, and accounting for potential additional expenses, intended parents can better plan for the financial aspects of surrogacy with a family member. It is advisable to consult with professionals experienced in surrogacy to navigate the process smoothly and responsibly. 

Additional guide for intended parents:

Best surrogacy agency in India

Best surrogacy agency in Mexico

Best surrogacy agency in Colombia

Best surrogacy agency in Argentina

Best surrogacy agency in Georgia

Best surrogacy agency in the USA

Best surrogacy agency in Ukraine

Best surrogacy agency in Armenia


In conclusion, the cost of surrogacy with a family member can be a more affordable option compared to other surrogacy arrangements. By choosing a close relative as the surrogate, you may be able to save on certain expenses. However, it’s important to remember that there are still significant costs involved in the process.

Medical procedures, such as fertility treatments and prenatal care, can contribute to the overall expenses. Legal fees and contractual agreements are also crucial considerations. These costs are necessary to ensure a smooth and legally binding surrogacy journey.

Another factor to keep in mind is the potential involvement of an agency. While working with an agency can provide valuable support and guidance, it can also come with additional fees. It’s important to weigh the benefits of agency-assisted surrogacy against the potential costs.

By understanding the breakdown of these expenses and considering factors such as agency involvement, legal aspects, insurance, and additional expenses, you can better plan and budget for your surrogacy journey. 

If you’d like to learn more about IVF, Egg Donation, or surrogacy services globally, check out the rest of our website at  Complete Surrogacy Agency. We offer legally secure and affordable surrogacy consulting services for FREE.

For more resources on IVF and Surrogacy, browse our other web page- IVF Conceptions.

For more resources on IVF and Surrogacy, browse our other web page- Georgia Surrogacy Agency.

References used: 

FAQ for average cost of surrogacy with friend or family member

What factors contribute to the cost of surrogacy with a family member?

The cost of surrogacy with a family member can vary based on several factors, including medical procedures, legal fees, and other expenses. Understanding these factors will help you estimate the overall cost of surrogacy with a relative.

What is family member surrogacy?

Family member surrogacy, also known as identified surrogacy, involves a close relative serving as the surrogate. This can include a sister, cousin, or other relative who is willing to carry a pregnancy on behalf of the intended parents.

How does the cost of surrogacy with a family member compare to other surrogacy arrangements?

Surrogacy with a family member can be a more affordable option compared to other surrogacy arrangements. By involving a relative, you can potentially save on agency fees and other related costs.

What are the medical procedures and fertility treatments involved in surrogacy with a family member?

The medical procedures and fertility treatments involved in surrogacy with a family member may include in vitro fertilization (IVF), embryo transfer, and prenatal care. The specific procedures will depend on the individual circumstances of the intended parents and the surrogate.

What legal fees and contractual agreements are required for surrogacy with a family member?

Surrogacy with a family member still involves legal fees and contractual agreements. It is important to consult with an attorney experienced in reproductive law to navigate the legal aspects of the surrogacy process and ensure all necessary agreements are in place.

Are there specific cost implications for surrogacy with a sister or cousin?

The specific cost implications for surrogacy with a sister or cousin will depend on various factors, such as the medical procedures involved, any additional fertility treatments required, and the legal fees associated with the surrogacy arrangement.

What are the unique expenses associated with family surrogates?

Family surrogates may have unique expenses related to their own well-being and support during the surrogacy journey. These expenses may include healthcare costs, maternity clothing, transportation, and any required time off work.

How does agency involvement affect the expenses of surrogacy with a family member?

While surrogacy with a family member may involve less agency fees, agency-assisted surrogacy can still be beneficial. Agencies provide professional guidance, matching services, and legal support, which can help streamline the surrogacy process for both the intended parents and the surrogate.

What are the benefits of agency-assisted surrogacy with a family member?

Agency-assisted surrogacy with a family member can provide the intended parents and the surrogate with professional support throughout the entire process. This can ensure that all legal, medical, and logistical aspects of the surrogacy arrangement are properly managed and monitored.

How do agency costs compare to independent surrogacy arrangements with a family member?

The costs associated with agency-assisted surrogacy can vary depending on the agency and the specific services provided. However, agency fees are typically higher compared to independent surrogacy arrangements. Working with an agency can provide additional resources, support, and legal expertise that may not be available in independent arrangements.

What financial agreements and agency fees should be considered in surrogacy with a family member?

Financial agreements and agency fees will depend on the specific terms agreed upon between the intended parents and the agency involved. It is important to discuss and clarify all financial arrangements early in the surrogacy process to ensure transparency and avoid any misunderstandings later on.

How do legal aspects impact the cost of surrogacy with a family member?

Legal aspects can impact the cost of surrogacy with a family member due to the legal fees incurred for drafting and finalizing necessary agreements. These may include contracts outlining the rights and responsibilities of the intended parents, the surrogate, and any other individuals involved in the surrogacy process.

What role does insurance play in surrogacy with a family member?

Insurance coverage for surrogacy with a family member will depend on the specific insurance policies involved. It is important to consult with an insurance specialist to determine if and how insurance will cover the medical expenses associated with the surrogacy journey.

What additional expenses should intended parents anticipate when pursuing surrogacy with a family member?

Intended parents should anticipate additional expenses such as travel costs, accommodation, and any necessary accommodations or modifications to the surrogate’s living environment to support a healthy pregnancy. It is crucial to consider these potential expenses when planning for surrogacy with a family member.

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Neelam Chhagani, MA (Counselling Psychology), PGD (Mental Health), and Holistic Infertility and Third-Party Reproduction Consultant.

Member of European Fertility Society, Best Surrogacy Blogger of 2020, with 300 dedicated blogs and top contributor on Quora for Surrogacy.

Highly esteemed, authoritative, and trusted professional with a 14-year experience in international surrogacy. Advocate for Secure, Legal, and Affordable International Surrogacy.

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I was introduced to Neelam by a friend who worked with Neelam for surrogacy. Neelam is absolutely wonderful. I am a single male and the journey to fatherhood is not that easy. Neelam connected me to a program ideal for my circumstances. She was with me throughout the pregnancy providing advice and guidance along the way. I am so grateful I found her and am thrilled today that I have a beautiful daughter. I highly recommend Neelam to anyone who is on a journey to become a parent. Having a child has changed my world for the better. I wish others success with their own journey and recommend you connect with Neelam to find a path that is best for you.


Neelam is empathic and an awesome professional. She’s always available and eager to response to clients calls. She followed our process the way. Definitely recommend.

J&C (UK)

This whole journey has been absolutely wonderful. And I have such a beautiful daughter today. I have such an amazing army of family and friends surrounding me. She’s brought so much joy to everyone Especially me. I’m grateful that we moved forward I don’t know what I would do without her. So please let Mark now we made the right decision and yes I’m thinking about a second journey. I think it’s important to raise a child with a sibling. So two children seems like the right thing. Will make a final decision in the next 3 to 4 months.


Thank you so much for your handholding and for connecting me with everything. I am so grateful for the role that you’ve played. I’m the happiest father alive. Thank you so much for your guidance along the way. She’s adorable and I’m all gushy in love!!!


Hoping to have wonder babies, we initiated the process with Neelam at IVF Conceptions. Her warm concerns and dedicated helps drive this process moving through frustrated change of surrogacy policy in India. Finally, the surrogacy was smoothly transferred to Russia and now, we saw our baby growing already. We greatly thank Neelam, who sincerely helped us to achieve our baby dream. There is no doubt that both IVF conceptions and IVF Sunrise provided excellent surrogacy service with transparent fund transactions.


We are so glad to inform about arrival of twins for our single Intended Parent.. This was his first attempt with Asian egg donor and he was successful in first round of embryos transfer with twins. The pregnancy term was eventless and during routine visit on 34 weeks- doctor decided to CS as surrogate was 4 cm dilated. Babies are so cute and adorable and surrogate- doing well. It goes without saying J L is very delighted and busy dad!!!

JL Singapore

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