What is Infertility Counseling for Surrogacy?

How are Surrogate Mothers Screened?

Infertility counseling provides critical mental health support and coping techniques when family-building feels out of reach. Learn what infertility counselors address, from complex grief to relationship stress, logistics confusion to envisioning alternative paths like adoption or surrogacy post-treatment.

Risks of International Surrogacy

What is Gestational Surrogacy-

International surrogacy is a practice that has gained increased attention and popularity in recent years, as many individuals and couples seek alternative methods to start or expand their families.

What is Identified Surrogacy

Low Sperm Motility

Identified surrogacy is when intended parents connect independently with a woman open to carrying their child. Understand how this pathway differs from agency surrogacy around relationships, screening, costs, and more should you choose someone you personally know to potentially be your surrogate.

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